WEBINAR: How to Install eB3Kit Applications (APPs) (20:54)

List of open source software tools that can be installed in the BIBBOX virtual machine or are considered to be “dockerized” for the BIBBOX App store soon. Source: http://bibbox.bbmri-eric.eu/

Video recording from the B3Africa Webinar held on 27/04/2017

Trainer: Robert Reihs  (Medical University of Graz)


  • How to install eB3Kit applications;
  • The structure of the BiBBoX;
  • What happens in the background when installing an application.

To consult the resource, please login/register to the platform and click on the “enroll” button below.


List of open source software tools that can be installed in the BIBBOX virtual machine or are considered to be “dockerized” for the BIBBOX App store soon. Source: http://bibbox.bbmri-eric.eu/

Video recording from the B3Africa Webinar held on 27/04/2017Trainer: Robert Reihs  (Medical University of Graz)Content:

  • How to install eB3Kit applications;
  • The structure of the BiBBoX;
  • What happens in the background when installing an application.