Learning Platforms
Explore IARC’s online thematic platforms to find a large variety of freely accessible learning and training resources.
IARC-ESMO Learning and Capacity-Building Initiative
The IARC-ESMO Learning and Capacity-Building Initiative on Cancer Prevention (formerly called World Cancer Report Updates Learning Platform) aims to raise awareness about emerging issues in cancer research for cancer prevention, through a variety of self-learning resources and a webinar series.
It also intends to invite researchers and professionals to learn about these issues from different perspectives.
A large variety of learning resources for professionals working in cancer prevention and early detection and management.
More than 80 learning resources for professionals working up-stream and down-stream of biobanking.
IARC Summer School
The IARC Summer School offers a unique opportunity for learning and professional development to epidemiologists, statisticians, physicians, oncologists, and other public health specialists from around the world.
Conducted every two years, the next IARC Summer School in 2025 will offer two modules “Introduction to Cancer Epidemiology” and “Implementing Cancer Prevention and Early Detection”.
More information on the call for application, programme key dates and content is available here:
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The material developed and used in the respective modules of the IARC Summer School in 2021 is available below.
Introduction to Cancer Epidemiology
Course Directors: Dr Pietro Ferrari, Deputy Head of the Nutrition and Metabolism Branch (NME)
and Dr Laure Dossus, Scientist (NME)
Visit the dedicated channel and watch the videos covering the following topics:
- Introduction
- Study design and analysis
- Study conduct
- Analysis and interpretation
- Generic competences
- State-of-the-Art lectures
Implementing Cancer Prevention and Early Detection
Course Directors: Dr Partha Basu, Deputy Head of the Early Detection, Prevention and Infections Branch (EPR), Dr Maribel Almonte, Deputy Head (EPR), Dr Andre Carvalho, Scientist (EPR) and Dr Armando Baena (EPR)
Visit the dedicated channel and watch the videos covering the following topics:
- Cancer Control Overview
- Risk Factors - Prevention Strategy
- Screening and Early Diagnosis
A rich bank of more than 200 videos, with channels for IARC Seminars, the IARC Summer School, Cancer Early Detection and Prevention, Cancer Surveillance, and Biobanking as well as from the IARC Media Communications Group.
Human Exposome Assessment Platform
The Human Exposome Assessment Platform (HEAP) project (2020–2025), funded by the European Commission H2020 programme, aims to provide a collaborative, standardized, and distributed platform for research on exposome assessment. It consists of three interlinked components: data management and governance, research, and technical (information and communication technologies).
The HEAP project plans to develop an online learning platform that will host and disseminate essential information, knowledge, and skills for the effective implementation of the HEAP project within and beyond the project’s consortium.
Visit the HEAP website and online learning platform here!
Cancer Surveillance
The IARC Section of Cancer Surveillance coordinates the Global Initiative for Cancer Registry Development (GICR), which aims to markedly increase the quality and availability of cancer incidence data in low- and middle-income countries.
The GICR website contains a large number of learning resources, including general guidelines, manuals, and recorded webinars on coding, staging, CanReg5 software, and more.
The IARC Learning portal provides a single access point to a wide variety of learning and training resources, organized into different learning platforms that are developed and maintained in collaboration with IARC research groups and key collaborators.
The types of resources available on each thematic platform vary and may include: self-paced modules, facilitated modules, lectures and webinars, manuals and guidelines, materials for trainers, tutorials, exercises, questions and answers, tip sheets and visual charts, and more.
Create an account now to join a vibrant community of researcher and health professional committed to continuous professional development in cancer research for cancer prevention!
For more information, contact us.

Self-paced module
A set of learning resources that is structured and packaged in a module and that may be completed independently and at your own rhythm.

Facilitated module
An online course that is facilitated by a trainer and has learning resources that are usually provided sequentially. Often offered in conjunction with a face-to-face session and restricted to a group of selected participants.

Lecture or webinar
A recorded and edited presentation, available as a video of 5 to 30 minutes, which may be watched online or downloaded.

Manual or guideline
A reference document that describes international standards and provides recommendations for implementation in different areas of cancer research for cancer prevention.

Material for trainers
A ready-to-use training package that includes learning objectives, customizable training material (e.g. PowerPoint slides), guidance notes for trainers, exercises, and references.

A step-by-step guide on how to use a tool (e.g. software) or follow a procedure (including text and images, or video-based).

A quiz, case study, or online practical exercise to test and improve your knowledge and skills.

Questions and answers
A webpage that compiles frequently asked questions and answers on a specific topic, in an easily searchable way.

Tip sheet and visual chart
A useful one-page tool for quick and easy review of a topic, concept, or procedure.