Latest evidence, myths, and controversies
About the module

10 minutes long


Includes a final quiz

Includes links to references
About the lecturer

Dr Joachim Schüz
Head of the Environment and Lifestyle Epidemiology Branch at the International Agency for Research on Cancer
Learning Objectives
- Recognize the current body of evidence on ionizing radiations and what can be done to reduce exposures.
- Cite the cancer attributable fraction due to ionizing radiation in the European Union (EU).
- Recognize the current body of evidence on non-ionizing radiation.
This module is part of a comprehensive online learning curriculum on the latest evidence, myths, and controversies on cancer prevention.
How to access the module:
1- Please register/login to the learning platform.
2- Click on the “Enrol” button to activate the module. The page will refresh and you will be able to click on the learning sequence below.
3- To get quick tips on how to navigate inside each learning sequence, consult this short tutorial.