Physical activity
Latest evidence, myths, and controversies
About the module
10 minutes long
Includes a final quiz
Includes links to references
About the lecturer
Dr Karen Steindorf
Professor and Head of the Division of Physical Activity, Prevention and Cancer at the German Cancer Research Center and the National Center for Tumor Diseases in Heidelberg, Germany
Learning Objectives
- Outline the latest evidence on physical activity.
- Recognize why physical inactivity and obesity are independent risk factors for cancer.
- Recognize why sedentary behaviour is also an independent risk factor for cancer.
- Learn easy tips to change physical activity behaviour and sedentarism.
This module is part of a comprehensive online learning curriculum on the latest evidence, myths, and controversies on cancer prevention.
How to access the module:
1- Please register/login to the learning platform.
2- Click on the “Enrol” button to activate the module. The page will refresh and you will be able to click on the learning sequence below.
3- To get quick tips on how to navigate inside each learning sequence, consult this short tutorial.