Second-hand smoke
Latest evidence, myths, and controversies
About the module
8 minutes long
Includes a final quiz
Includes links to references
About the lecturer
Dr Sean Semple
Associate Professor at the University of Stirling, United Kingdom
Learning Objectives
- Outline the latest evidence on second-hand smoke.
- Review some tips on how to explain second-hand smoke exposure to the general public.
- Recognize how we can tackle second-hand smoke in the future.
This module is part of a comprehensive online learning curriculum on the latest myths, evidence, and controversies on cancer prevention.
How to access the module:
1- Please register/login to the learning platform.
2- Click on the “Enrol” button to activate the module. The page will refresh and you will be able to click on the learning sequence below.
3- To get quick tips on how to navigate inside each learning sequence, consult this short tutorial.