WEBINAR: Mobile Data Collection, Part I (71:30)

Picture credit: International Livestock Research Institute

Video recording from the B3Africa Webinar held on 19/04/2018

Trainers: Wangoru Kihara (International Livestock Research Institute)


  • General overview of the process and applications/tools (ODK collect, Azizi AMP); including printscreen of ODK collect, Azizi AMP.
  • Example of a data collection form in Excel format and demonstrate how to create one data collection point;
  • How to upload a new data collection form to the ODK server in the eB3Kit;
  • How to download “ODK collect” on an Android based mobile device and select your form;
  • Useful tips for the in-field data collection using a mobile device;
  • How to upload the data collected to the ODK server in the eB3Kit.

To consult the resource, please login/register to the platform and click on the “enroll” button below.



<dl id=”attachment_3275″ class=”wp-caption alignright” style=”width: 480px;” data-mce-style=”width: 480px;”><dt class=”wp-caption-dt”><a href=”https://learning.iarc.fr/biobanking/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2019/07/Kenya_ILRI-1.jpg” data-mce-href=”https://learning.iarc.fr/biobanking/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2019/07/Kenya_ILRI-1.jpg”><img class=”wp-image-3275″ src=”https://learning.iarc.fr/biobanking/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2019/07/Kenya_ILRI-1.jpg” alt=”” width=”480″ height=”320″ data-mce-src=”https://learning.iarc.fr/biobanking/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2019/07/Kenya_ILRI-1.jpg” /></a></dt><dd class=”wp-caption-dd”>Picture credit: International Livestock Research Institute</dd></dl>Video recording from the B3Africa Webinar held on 19/04/2018<i style=”font-weight: inherit;” data-mce-style=”font-weight: inherit;”><b>Trainers: Wangoru Kihara</b></i><b style=”font-style: inherit;” data-mce-style=”font-style: inherit;”><i> </i></b><a href=”http://www.b3africa.org/?dslc_partners=international-livestock-research-institute” data-mce-href=”http://www.b3africa.org/?dslc_partners=international-livestock-research-institute”><span style=”font-size: 16px;” data-mce-style=”font-size: 16px;”>(International Livestock Research Institute</span><span style=”font-size: 16px;” data-mce-style=”font-size: 16px;”>)</span></a>Content:<div id=”main” class=”col-css cf”><div id=”content” class=”cf”><article id=”post-2018″ class=”single-view post-2018 event type-event status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry”><div class=”entry-content cf”><div id=”dslc-theme-content”><div id=”dslc-theme-content-inner”><ul><li>General overview of the process and applications/tools (ODK collect, Azizi AMP); <span class=”details”>including printscreen of ODK collect, Azizi AMP. </span></li><li><span class=”details”>Example of a data collection form in Excel format and demonstrate how to create one data collection point; </span></li><li><span class=”details”>How to upload a new data collection form to the ODK server in the eB3Kit; </span></li><li><span class=”details”>How to download “ODK collect” on an Android based mobile device and select your form; </span></li><li><span class=”details”>Useful tips for the in-field data collection using a mobile device; </span></li><li><span class=”details”>How to upload the data collected to the ODK server in the eB3Kit. </span></li>

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