GUIDE: Informed Consent

Image credit: Creative Commons CC0

The process of obtaining informed consent can stimulate dialog between researchers and potential participants. The underlying values that informed consent serves to research participants are to have respect for persons and their autonomy.

This document is a proposal of an informed consent, developed by study and compiled/brought together various forms, templates and articles in the area.[1] Depending on the research question it can be formed so it fits its purpose and demands. It has been developed by members of B3Africa Work Package 1, “Ethics and Legal Framework for the Storage, Analysis, and Sharing of Biobanking and Research Data”.

[1] E.g. Eurobiobank, WP5 Informed consent form, 2007; EpiHealth, Informationsbroschyr, 2011; Deschenes  et  al., 2001.

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Image credit: Creative Commons CC0The process of obtaining informed consent can stimulate dialog between researchers and potential participants. The underlying values that informed consent serves to research participants are to have respect for persons and their autonomy.This document is a proposal of an informed consent, developed by study and compiled/brought together various forms, templates and articles in the area.[1] Depending on the research question it can be formed so it fits its purpose and demands. It has been developed by members of B3Africa Work Package 1, “Ethics and Legal Framework for the Storage, Analysis, and Sharing of Biobanking and Research Data”.[1] E.g. Eurobiobank, WP5 Informed consent form, 2007; EpiHealth, Informationsbroschyr, 2011; Deschenes  et  al., 2001.

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