LECTURE: The eB3Kit – IT infrastructure and APPs – Roles and Permissions (32:23)

Lectured recorded during the BCNet Symposium “From Biobank Infrastructure to Research: How BCNet Member Biobanks and Cohorts Are Contributing to Address Public Health Concerns”, organized in collaboration with the second B3Africa Trainign Workshop, from 27-November to 1-December 2017.

Speakers: Wangoru Kihara (International Livestock Research Institute) and Heimo Müller (Medical University of Graz)

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Lectured recorded during the BCNet Symposium “From Biobank Infrastructure to Research: How BCNet Member Biobanks and Cohorts Are Contributing to Address Public Health Concerns”, organized in collaboration with the second B3Africa Trainign Workshop, from 27-November to 1-December 2017.Speakers: Wangoru Kihara (International Livestock Research Institute) and Heimo Müller (Medical University of Graz)

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